Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I think Im starting to get the hang of this exercise thing!!

So after 2 weeks of hardcore dedication to the gym and even going when I didn't want to... I think I'm starting to get the hang of this thing! At first I hated going.  Seriously I HATED it!  But yesterday for the first time IN MY LIFE I ran 6 minutes!  I was exhausted and by the 6th I thought for sure I would die.. but then something amazing happened.. I DIDN'T!  And after a moment or 2 I felt amazing!  I even cried (big surprise! lol).  I want to also say that I am in no pain whatsoever (ex: joints, bones).  I know that a lot of people may not be able to do it but if my 276lb body can do it then I know that A LOT more obese people can!   It sucks sometimes but its going to be worth it!  I'm sick to death of wishing to be thin and healthy.  I'm sick of obsessing over thoughts of whether or not I'm embarrassing my husband.  I'm sick of worrying constantly about my health.  For once I feel like I'm doing the right thing.  I can see in my husbands eyes that he's proud of me for taking control of this part of my life.  I can tell that he's proud of me when he's running next to me on the treadmill.  When my children say "Oh Mama.. look at your muscles" (they are exaggerating but its still sweet) I know that they are seeing Mama change for them.  I'm getting better for my family.  I'm getting better for myself.  I'm changing so that when they are grown they wont have to change because they will already be healthy.  I also want to throw out that the people that have been encouraging me, the ones who constantly tell me how good Im doing and the people who are supportive.  I dont know how Id be doing all this if it werent for you all.  I love each and every one of you guys with all my heart and I cant thank you enough for your support!  


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fear at the gym!!

So, Id like to share with you what happened to me yesterday! 

 Usually every time I  go to the gym I have my awesome husband there with me and I never have a second thought.  Well, Im to the point where I want to go to the gym everyday and hes a M-W-F kinda guy so I ventured out on my own today.  The drive was fine, parking the car and walking in were fine, til I walked in and realized that I had to go to the main gym.  I realized that I couldnt go into the parent/kid workout room and I was TERRIFIED!  I paced the hallway and was looking into the cardio room that was FULL of fit people there wasnt ONE FAT PERSON IN THERE!  I walk into the womens locker room, lock myself in a shower and cried a little bit because I was SO SCARED!  I went to the front desk and said "Since no one is in the parent room would it be okay if I worked out in there?"  to which he replied "no.".  So then I walk back towards the cardio room, then I turned around and went back into the locker room.  I started thinking about what was more important?  Was my fear of being laughed at or mocked more important than my own health?  Was it more important than bettering myself?  So, I pulled up my big girl panties and marched into the cardio room (seriously about to have a panic attack!!) Found a treadmill and ran.  And as I was running I was thinking about how silly I had been to worry.  That all these people in here were sweating their butts off!  And that maybe JUST maybe someone who was afraid would look in that room and see me doing what I needed to be done and not be so afraid.  Then the next step was going into the weight room where all the SUPER fit people were.. and guess what.. I worked out in there too!  I DID IT!  And it wasnt as terrible as I thought it would be!  So the next time you're nervous about what others may think.. DONT BE!  You are NOT there for them.. you are there for YOU!! 


Monday, July 22, 2013


Yes yes.. I am going to be posting all the delicious stuff I make and I'll also be posting the not so good stuff as well!! 

Healthy no-bake cookies!

Let me start off by saying that no-bake cookies are seriously my favorite cookies!  So last night I had an insane sweet attack and this is what I made and they were AMAZING!! Seriously I did not have high expectations for them and man was I surprised! 

So round up all this stuff

1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter 
1 small banana mashed
1/4 cup of almond milk (Im sure you can use whatever kind but this is what I used)
1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
3 cups of 100% whole wheat old fashioned oats (put all 3 cups in blender/food processor and run for about 5-8seconds)
1/3 cup of honey
1/4 cup of milled flax seeds (optional)
1/8tsp of salt

And this is all you gotta do:

Put oats (after you've ran them in the blender/processor) in a big bowl add salt, flax seed and cocoa powder and mix.  Next put peanut butter and mashed banana in a small sauce pan over low heat (my peanut butter didnt melt it just got hot) once its thoroughly warmed transfer it to bowl of oats and add milk and honey.  Mix it all together.  Drop spoonful of the mixture onto wax paper lined cookie sheet and make them as big or as small as you want.  Put them in the fridge for 30 minutes or so and BAM.. no bake cookie!   (Now Im sure you can get creative and add all sorts of goodness to these so if you do comment and let me know what you did!)

I found this recipe at: 

Homemade pasta sauce

I love pasta!! The sauce is my favorite part.. Its just SOOOO YUMMY!  So when I started looking for a recipe for homemade sauce there were hundreds!  So I combined a little of this and that and this is what I came up with! 

8 tomatoes (larger kind)
2 carrots
1 bell pepper
1 small onion 
4 zucchinis (sliced and quartered)
4 button mushrooms(sliced)
Spices to suit your taste 
(I used oregano, cumin, garlic and rosemary)
1/4tsp of sea salt

Bring a big pot of water to a boil and add your tomatoes.  Leave them for 1 minute and then remove them and place in a bowl.  After they've cooled peel the skin off the tomatoes and place them in blender or food processor.  Pulse the blender til they're just blended and add carrots, bell pepper and onion and blend til it becomes sauce like consistency.  Pour into a large pot and add zucchinis, salt and spices and let cook for 3 hours.  After 3 hours add mushrooms and cook for 30 more minutes.  Add to pasta and your done :)

I LOVE CORNBREAD! Seriously... its one of the best foods ever!  So heres a healthier version for ya :)  Enjoy!

2 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups cornmeal
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup oil
2 cups milk 
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
4 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs
Mix all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl then add the wet ingredients.  Stir just til its all moistened.  Poor into a 9x13 oiled baking dish.  Bake at 375 for 30-ish minutes!  OMNOMNOMNOM!  :)

I found this recipe at:
So I made this last night for dinner!  Its really good and seriously you could eat like 10 bowls a day and probably be under 1000 calories!   
4 carrots (chopped)
1 1/2 onions (chopped)
1 envelope of dry onion soup mix (I made my own)
1 can of cut green beans
2 quarts of tomato juice (I made this myself as well)
5 stalks of celery
1 can of chicken stock (I made homemade stock from a chicken carcass)
1/2 head of cabbage cut into 1 inch pieces!

Place all ingredients in a crock pot (or on the stove) and cook on high for 4 1/2 hours(crock pot) or on low on the stove for about 2 1/2 hours.  Really tasty soup and filling.  Goes great with the above cornbread recipe! 

Sauteed veggies

Seriously this is a SUPER easy way to whip up some veggies for lunch or dinner!  Heck you could cook these up and put them in an omelet!

1 squash (quartered)
1 zucchini (quartered)
1 small/medium onion (quartered)
2 cups of fresh spinach
2 cloves of garlic(minced)
Vinegar of choosing (I like garlic infused red wine vinegar)
coconut oil

Poor  2Tbsp of coconut oil into a frying pan.  Add garlic and onions and cook for 1-2 minutes or until onion is translucent.  Next, add the squash and zucchini. Drizzle the vinegar over the mix and cover with lid.  Cook until tender. ( I like mine to be a little crunchy so I dont cook it too long.)  Finally, add the spinach and cook for about 1 minute!

BAM!!! You now have tasty cooked veggies that would be good in a stir-fry, a side dish, an omelet or just on their own.  Enjoy! :)

Cranberry-Pistachio Bread

I kinda just put this together in hopes that it would be good!  I really enjoyed it so I hope you do too!

1 1/2 Cups of whole wheat flour
2 tsp. of baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 Cup of agave (or honey, maple syrup)
1/4 Cup of coconut oil
2 Eggs beaten
1/2 Cup of dried cranberries
1/3 Cup of chopped pistachios
1/3 Cup apple juice

Pre-heat oven to 350.  Grease the bottom of a loaf pan.  In a medium bowl mix dry ingredients together.  Slowly add agave, oil, juice and eggs. Then stir in cranberries and pistachios.  Pour into the greased loaf pan. 

Bake for 50 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean.  Cool for 10 minutes and enjoy!

My wake up call

Hey yall!!!!

 Im a 23 year old SAHM to 2 wonderful kiddos!  Seriously they are just the greatest!  And Ive been married for 5 years to an amazing husband!   I wanted to create this blog to hopefully inspire others who have been in the same type of situations. 

So, a little background info for you all!  Ive always been a chubby kid.  Ive always liked food.  Ive used food as a comfort for so many years.   At 17 I became pregnant with our daughter and gained 60lbs with that pregnancy then 4 months later I became pregnant with our son and gained 40lbs with that pregnancy, 9 months later we move to Japan.  So 3 years and 20lbs MORE here I was at a whooping 298.8lbs!!  Now backtrack a bit to right after I had my daughter.  My Mom found out that she was going to need a quintuple heart bypass.  She was 38 years old and 130lbs.  Not only did she have the bypass but a few weeks later she was having some pain and found out that she had staph infection and had to have an open wound vac for a few weeks, got it taken out and a few weeks after that she had more pain and found out her sternum was rotting on the inside, so she had to be opened a 3rd time and had her sternum removed.  And during ALL this I was graduating high school, taking care of a newborn, getting married and then got pregnant AGAIN!  Now you would think that having to watch my Mom go through this that I would take action and be the healthiest person I could be.  Nope, on the way to the hospital there were stops to any and all fast food joints, restaurants ect ect.  It has actually taken my own bad news for me to open up my eyes and realize that if I dont change Im gonna die young.  I dont want to go through the pain my Mom went through and is still going through.  I want to be fit.  I want to be healthy.  I want to go on runs with my family and have my children grow up healthy with healthy lifestyles.  So, I started doing research and figured a "real food" diet is what is best for our family!   

Ive tried almost EVERY diet pill, shake, drink, drop and fad you can think of.  Never lasted on them because I was HUNGRY!  I failed because I felt like I was missing out.  I failed because I would binge on ALL the "healthy" alternatives.  So, I boxed up all the processed food and shoved it in a closet underneath boxes.  And then I realized that I had a real problem with self control.  So I took that box out and placed all that "food" and all the soda back on a shelf and EVERY DAY I see it.  EVERYDAY I have to make the effort to choose the healthy food.. and there are some days that are really hard for me.   But, its all part of me not just dieting but changing our lives.  I know it sounds corny but its true.  The grocery stores arent going to hide all the bad stuff from me when I go shopping.  Its always going to be everywhere I go.  

This lifestyle is actually a lot easier than I expected it to be.  When I go to the store and I HAVE to read the labels on stuff and see that there is more than 5 ingredients and I know that I cant have it, all I do is put it back.  We've switched to non-dairy (we are expensive cheese lovers so occasionally we'll have some fancy cheese) we use/drink almond milk, rice milk and coconut milk.  Coconut milk is my favorite for baking.  It doesnt really have a coconut taste but its the one the works the best in my opinion.  I bake our own breads, muffins and tortillas.  We've cut out ALL refined sugars and just use agave, honey or maple syrup.  We try and buy all our produce and meat locally.  (sometimes though I just need to run to the store and grab 1-2 things).  

GYM TIME.  Just let me tell you.  I used to go to the gym and "work out" but for the first time last Monday I worked out for real.  I had one of those made me cry, sweat everywhere and just emotional work outs where I felt first hand what I had done to my body.  But Im changing that now :) I love when Im running and my kiddos are saying "go mommy go" I love that Im doing this.  And yes I know this is so cliche but honestly if my big ol booty can get up and run 1 minute walk for 2, run for a minute and walk for 2 and I do that 4 times EVERYDAY.. YOU CAN DO IT!! 

So I know its only been 8 days but I will say there are 2 things that have just blown me away in starting this!  
1.  My husband has been so supportive of this!  He is a big time carnivore so for him to switch and only eat meat 4 times a week is just awesome.  I love that he uplifts me and encourages me. 
2. All of the support Im getting from family and friends is just amazing.  I love getting messages from people saying that Im encouraging them to be better and to get their families on a healthy diet.  Seriously, it brings me to tears.  I love you guys <3

So as I wrap this post up I just want you to know that it is hard.  Its EXTREMELY hard.  But I know its going to be worth is.  <3 

Oh and just real quick.. my starting weight was 298.8 my current weight is 276.4!!