Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I think Im starting to get the hang of this exercise thing!!

So after 2 weeks of hardcore dedication to the gym and even going when I didn't want to... I think I'm starting to get the hang of this thing! At first I hated going.  Seriously I HATED it!  But yesterday for the first time IN MY LIFE I ran 6 minutes!  I was exhausted and by the 6th I thought for sure I would die.. but then something amazing happened.. I DIDN'T!  And after a moment or 2 I felt amazing!  I even cried (big surprise! lol).  I want to also say that I am in no pain whatsoever (ex: joints, bones).  I know that a lot of people may not be able to do it but if my 276lb body can do it then I know that A LOT more obese people can!   It sucks sometimes but its going to be worth it!  I'm sick to death of wishing to be thin and healthy.  I'm sick of obsessing over thoughts of whether or not I'm embarrassing my husband.  I'm sick of worrying constantly about my health.  For once I feel like I'm doing the right thing.  I can see in my husbands eyes that he's proud of me for taking control of this part of my life.  I can tell that he's proud of me when he's running next to me on the treadmill.  When my children say "Oh Mama.. look at your muscles" (they are exaggerating but its still sweet) I know that they are seeing Mama change for them.  I'm getting better for my family.  I'm getting better for myself.  I'm changing so that when they are grown they wont have to change because they will already be healthy.  I also want to throw out that the people that have been encouraging me, the ones who constantly tell me how good Im doing and the people who are supportive.  I dont know how Id be doing all this if it werent for you all.  I love each and every one of you guys with all my heart and I cant thank you enough for your support!  


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