Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fear at the gym!!

So, Id like to share with you what happened to me yesterday! 

 Usually every time I  go to the gym I have my awesome husband there with me and I never have a second thought.  Well, Im to the point where I want to go to the gym everyday and hes a M-W-F kinda guy so I ventured out on my own today.  The drive was fine, parking the car and walking in were fine, til I walked in and realized that I had to go to the main gym.  I realized that I couldnt go into the parent/kid workout room and I was TERRIFIED!  I paced the hallway and was looking into the cardio room that was FULL of fit people there wasnt ONE FAT PERSON IN THERE!  I walk into the womens locker room, lock myself in a shower and cried a little bit because I was SO SCARED!  I went to the front desk and said "Since no one is in the parent room would it be okay if I worked out in there?"  to which he replied "no.".  So then I walk back towards the cardio room, then I turned around and went back into the locker room.  I started thinking about what was more important?  Was my fear of being laughed at or mocked more important than my own health?  Was it more important than bettering myself?  So, I pulled up my big girl panties and marched into the cardio room (seriously about to have a panic attack!!) Found a treadmill and ran.  And as I was running I was thinking about how silly I had been to worry.  That all these people in here were sweating their butts off!  And that maybe JUST maybe someone who was afraid would look in that room and see me doing what I needed to be done and not be so afraid.  Then the next step was going into the weight room where all the SUPER fit people were.. and guess what.. I worked out in there too!  I DID IT!  And it wasnt as terrible as I thought it would be!  So the next time you're nervous about what others may think.. DONT BE!  You are NOT there for them.. you are there for YOU!! 


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